Git & GitHub Crash Course: Part 2

Git & GitHub Crash Course: Part 2

In Part 1, we covered the essentials of Git, including version control basics, adding and committing files, and working with Git servers like GitHub. Now, we’ll explore branching, merging, and other advanced Git concepts to make collaboration seamless and maintainable.

5. Branching in Git

Branching is a powerful Git feature that allows developers to diverge from the main codebase, test new features, and collaborate without affecting the primary project.

Creating and Switching Branches

To create a new branch and switch to it:

bashCopy codegit branch <BRANCH_NAME>
git checkout <BRANCH_NAME>

For a quicker method, create and switch in one command:

bashCopy codegit checkout -b <BR_NAME>

Branch Tags

For easy identification, consider using branch tags like feat/feature-name, fix/bug-name, or refactor/refactor-name.

Merging Branches

To integrate changes from one branch to another, Git offers two main options:

  1. Merge: Keeps commit history intact but may create complex commit logs.

     bashCopy codegit merge <branch>
  2. Rebase: Replays changes from one branch on top of another, creating a cleaner history.

     bashCopy codegit rebase <branch>


Stashing is perfect for saving your work temporarily:

bashCopy codegit stash

You can retrieve stashed changes anytime with:

bashCopy codegit stash pop


Mastering Git and GitHub takes time, but with these foundational concepts, you’re well on your way to becoming a proficient version control user. Stay tuned for further posts diving into more advanced features and workflows to elevate your Git proficiency.